WA Coast - Rowdy Roadtrip Getting into the Groove
Late May
After a few salty, sandy, crusty days at Lucky Bay, we felt we had arrived. Warm weather, surf, a couple of feeds of fish, and morning coffee on the sand dunes....nice. Next stop Kalbarri.Riley ran, Nikita sketched like a frustrated landscape artist and Archie clamboured around on Paul's shoulders like a teenager at a Bon Jovi Concert.....totally relaxing!!! Hmm, short treks the key I reckon. Pretty speccy all the same.
Nature's Window
Rowdy Moments - week 4
The Good: Nikita squealing with delight as she rode her bike for the first time without training wheels to the applause of the grey nomads at Kalbarri Caravan Park.
The Bad: Trying to start the car with its `failsafe' dual battery system after a 3-day beach camp....Bastards.
The Ugly: Pack up morning...we've turned our lengthy disassembly to a slick, streamlined 3-bloody-HOUR pack up...with much love and joy shared among all.
Onwards and Upwards - chasing the sun
Monkey Mia - Week 5
Rowdy Moments - Week 5
The Good: Riley taking to kyaking like a duck to water. And, despite its touristy nature, we found Monkey Mia to be surprisingly tranquil with its glassy turquoise bay perfect for a paddle and the odd sighting of a sea turtle and stingray
The Bad: Caravan parks. They just don't seem to work for us (except for doing the washing). We spend most of our time looking for Archie the explorer who has too many places to hide. A personal EPIRB may be the key.
The Ugly: Archie's snakey poo on the floor of the backpackers' bar at Monkey Mia...oops forgot to put the nappy back on after beach play. Sorry Mr bartender, I'll just pop my hat over that while I find something to clean it up with. A fine parenting moment indeed!
I can't wait to knock it down when she's not looking...