November/December 2012
Beautiful one day, Perfect the next
In what was a very funny turn of events, the campground caretaker left a couple of days after we arrived, so a local council officer asked us if we would do it. "Hey, why not?' It wasn't a paying gig, but a few free nights in paradise was just what we needed.
Plenty of hammock time when you're a tropical beach caretaker.
Sunrise....another tough working day ahead.After a fair bit of laying about, Riley and I decided a bit of a hill climb was in order.
There's our beach from above. The moonrise was a lovely parting gift...we were very sad to leave this place
Heading south from Townsville
We enjoyed a brief but great overnight stay at the glorious Airlie Beach home of some fellow travellers (Tracey, Damon and their cute kids Siena and Cameron), where I enjoyed a lovely outdoor shower surrounded by rainforest and Paul had a rather large drooling session down at the marina. The dusty, sandy camper trailer was not as appealing, but the roadtrip must go on, so we hit the road for a series of quick camps on our way down to Brisbane.
We enjoyed a brief but great overnight stay at the glorious Airlie Beach home of some fellow travellers (Tracey, Damon and their cute kids Siena and Cameron), where I enjoyed a lovely outdoor shower surrounded by rainforest and Paul had a rather large drooling session down at the marina. The dusty, sandy camper trailer was not as appealing, but the roadtrip must go on, so we hit the road for a series of quick camps on our way down to Brisbane.
OK, can I go back to bed now?
The Good: Tantalisingly warm and clear Pacific ocean framed by sandy beaches and palm trees.
The Bad: Not being allowed to swim in the above-mentioned tantalisingly warm and clear ocean due to nasty jellyfish that want to kill you.
The Ugly: Leanne and Paul in the morning due to Queensland's (stubborn) reluctance to adopt daylight savings, thus tormenting its inhabitants with 5am sunrises, which is very mean to those who have 3 super-charged children that wake at the crack of dawn.
Byfield National Park
Heading down the Queensland Coast toward Bundaberg, we stopped off for a couple of nights at Byfield National Park.
Freshwater swimming at Upper Stony Creek campground was a good way to get around the stinger season.
The vegetation became a bit jungle-like in the Deepwater National Park near Agnes Waters.
Seventeen Seventy
This idyllic, sheltered spot named in honour of James Cook's visit with the Endeavour in 1770, was a great playground for the kids (just south of stinger zone...although I'm not sure how the jellies are supposed to know this)
And safe for the kids means more relaxation time for mum and dad. Now, where's my wine?
Wow! That's cool
The Good: Everything about Bingil Bay.
The Bad: Archie's iceblock theft. At the 1770 caravan park, Leanne seized a rare early-morning opportunity to go for a solo walk, leaving sweetly-sleeping Archie next to snoring daddy. About 20 minutes later, big brother Riley comes tearing up behind mum brandishing a raspberry icypole with a rather traumatised Archie in close pursuit. Turns out that Archie snuck out of the tent just as the office/kiosk opened at 7am and trotted up to the iceblock machine, grabbed an icypole and trotted back out with the managers asking ``hey kid, are you going to pay for that?".
The Ugly: The enormously embarrassed, bad mother trudging up to office/kiosk offering profuse apologies and $1.20 for the icypole, which she had to eat herself, because no good mother would give their child a stolen, raspberry icypole before breakfast now would they???