Heading north along the coast from Broome
Early August 2012
Well, we've enjoyed a lot of beach along the WA coast but Middle Lagoon, about 200kms north of Broome, may be our favourite (thanks to my ol' boss Kym Tilbrook for the tip). Run by the Gnylmarung community (try saying that sober), this campground was very laid back and idyllic.The kids are playing on the beach below...so shall we fish, read or just enjoy the view?
Not to be out done on the relaxation stakes.
Now for some adventure - Mud-crabbing time
The kids get a lesson in spear handling.
That's OK........more for mum and dad.....YUM!
Broome - Cable Beach
Paul flies home briefly to visit his dad who's just had heart surgery. Mum holds the fort at Broome.
On the eve of Paul's return, the gastro hits the Rowdy Roadtrippers again....Nikita bounced back quickly, but poor Riley is down for the count for 5 days. The good news is that Robin is making an excellent recovery....so it's back to Middle Lagoon for us.
Rowdy Moments - weeks 12-14
The Good: The unexpected concert by a fantastic Aboriginal duo "The Pigram Brothers" outside our camper trailer at Broome. We returned dishevelled from a day out to a mass of deck chairs all around us and great Kimberley music playing - it was a bit of a treat.
The Bad: Seeing Riley so unwell.....they breed some good bugs in these parts and we simply had to sit it out and keep him cool and hydrated.
The Ugly: The Cable Beach nudists (according to the kids). While driving along the beach we came across the nudie bit which was a bit bereft of luscious Dutch backpackers but well stocked with retirees resplendent in their beer guts, no-longer-gravity-defying boobs, wrinkly pink butt cheeks and assorted dangly bits. "Look, these people are so ruuuude," shrieked Nikita. "Let's get outta here...these people are freaking me out," insisted Riley. Ok, ok back to the regular beach for us.
Middle Lagoon (again)
Yep, trust me.....
Only these little beauties
Well, I guess it was only a matter of time.
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