Off the beaten track in the Kimberley
Mid September 2012
We dropped off our camper trailer and embarked on our most adventurous trip to date when we tackled the Munja Track from Mt Elizabeth Station (about half way along the Gibb River Road). We didn't see any other travellers for five days on this rocky, remote track which took us to the edge of the pristine Prince Regent River National Park. Majestic rivers cascading over mighty waterfalls awaited us. We camped with rarely seen northern bandicoots and quolls and enjoyed some amazing Aboriginal rock art dating between 1000 and 20000 years.
Hold on to your hats's going to get bumpy!
Hmm - I'm not sure that actually classifies as a road. But, Craigy had that glint in his eyes that big boys get when they are playing with big toys and we made it with all tyres intact.
Checking out some Aboriginal art that we stumbled across - the overhangs preserving art of 10000 years.
Please don't tip the car over Craigy...or squash the kids - looks like they're off for another swim
Some of the driving was smooth sailing through classic Kimberley bush
Camping minimalist style......
A cherished moment. For the most part, the kids drive us mad....but mornings like this make it all worthwhile......until one of them jumps on your head that is.
The Good: The sense of total isolation in a frequently breath-taking wilderness. The competing sounds at night of cicadas, frogs, bats, owls and dingoes even rivalled the sounds of the Rowdy Roadtrippers at times.
The Bad: Depleting our one month supply of alcohol in the first 10 days (no take-away supplies at all along the Gibb River Road) and having to resort to soft drinks and cups of tea which, quite frankly, didn't cut it for us.
The Ugly: Head lice and March flies - an occupational hazard of travelling in the tropics. Our sweet little Nikita with her lovely locks became an overly generous lice-manufacturing factory, taking at least four treatments to destroy the beasts.
Bachsten Creek Gorge
So who's the eejit who sprains her ankle miles from nowhere????
Small boy - big view
Water everywhere - creekside camping makes life much easier
Brolgas - a lovely addition to our campsite
With no camera to capture the sights, Paul is inspired to pen a few words after an amazing walk.....
A Morning to Remember
I leave camp at dawn, leaving Leanne in bed nursing her badly sprained ankle and cuddling the kids.
I have three hours to descend into the lower lagoons of Bachstan Gorge and return, so I set off at a trot through the bush giving hardly enough time to take in the cacophony of birds partying with the rising sun. What a racket.
I over-shoot the unmarked route down the escarpment by a few minutes so I approach the edge of the gorge to take my bearings.
Perched on a boulder there, I look to the east to the series of waterfalls drifting down to the lagoons forty metres below. The nearly sheer rock face on the other side sweeps in front of me then off to the west for miles before opening up to a view that goes absolutely forever.
It’s big and its spectacular and nobody else is here.
I find my way down the falls to the base of the gorge then on to a white sandy beach totally covered with animal tracks. They include wallaby, goanna, bandicoot, quoll and dingo, to name a few.
Not one human print.
I hear a big splash down river and notice (harmless) freshie croc tracks trailing to the water. Big black bream dart under dark ledges.
I ford the river and make my way upstream to the first lagoon and find I have to cross back to the other side as the north face of the gorge is a sheer drop into the water. I think I can see a route up the edge of the waterfall on the other side.
I’m halfway across and mostly wet so bugger it I decide to swim the fifty metres to the base of the falls. On the way I can see a massive overhang just a few metres above the water and the colour of the rising sun is reflecting off my ripples up on the ceiling of the overhang.
There is lush forest on the other side and it is alive with noise.
I reach the base of the waterfall then scale the side which is a bit hairy at times due to my wet boots.
It is another amazing view from the top looking down, then I turn around and see another lagoon and waterfall much the same as the other one.
So I swim and climb that one too.
Then I'm standing at the top and looking back and it's awesome
Back at the Farm - Mt Elizabeth Station
Nikita and Archie had the time of their lives bottle feeding the baby calves. They even allowed Nik to name one..."Rosie" sweet.
Burning around the farm - woo hoo!
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