Late January, 2013
Narooma was typical of many of the picturesque coastal towns along the southern NSW coast. It was nice to bump into some extended family Matt & Trish and their kids Darcy and Megan....three times.
Mimosa Rocks National Park
Gillards Beach, which we visited in honour of our great friend JJ, was one of our favourite camp spots on the East Coast, with great views, good surf and ok fishing. This grassy knoll became a regular coffee and happy-hour spot.
Craigy hooks a big one, but unfortunately it was a stingray. He did pull in a couple of salmon though.
Goanas almost 2m in length were frequent camp visitors, along with wallabies, bandicoots, blue wrens and possums.
He usually manages to make up for it though.
The Good: The wonderful wildlife that surrounded our camp at Gillards Beach.The Bad: The wonderful wildlife that picked through our rubbish, attempted to eat our food, tap-danced on our camper trailer at night, frightened our children and waged fierce animal battles at our camp...oh, and then there was the brave leech that attached itself to Nikita's leg. While we all thought, she may scream it off, it took a good splash of vinegar to do the trick. Of course I forgot you're supposed to use salt.....that's right, vinegar's for jellyfish...but I was in a bit of a panic!
The Sad: Learning that my good mate and journalist mentor Greg Kelton had passed on. Greg was a master of his craft yet one of the most humble men you could meet. He was cool and unflappable under crushing deadlines that had the rest of us swearing and sweating. We shared many a glass of red in the bowels of SA's Parliament House and in the tasting rooms of the Barossa Valley and I will miss him terribly.
The Ugly: Nikita's effort to split her head open on brick pavers by flipping backwards off a bench at a lovely cafe in Tilba, causing a tense, 6-hour concussion watch and cutting short Mum's cheese tasting....typical! Of course she was fine...but she did want to go to hospital for the jelly. Not surprisingly, at times, Nikita really wants to come home.
Bad hair usual.
The lighthouse at Ben Boyd National Park - a short distance from the NSW/Vic border.
Saying farewell to the coast (for now), we had a lovely bush camp in Gippsland before heading to Melbourne.
The Good: Leanne helping Kerryn and Andrew discover their insurer had mistakenly cancelled the policy for their lovely, large Hawthorn home.
The Bad: Leanne helping Kerryn and Andrew discover this by leaving the laundry tap running for a couple of hours, thereby flooding the carpet, walls and skirting boards in Sam and Lara's playroom....oops.
The Ugly: Kinda goes without saying. It was quite a mess (as was I) with soggy books, board games and toys. Thankfully, the piano was OK....otherwise I would really have been in the poop. So with that parting gift (with friends like these who needs enemies!), we tidied up as best we could and fled for the hills!!
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